About Us

Church History

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens (BYOAB) Family Ministry Church was physically birthed in October 2001 but was initiated by HOLY SPIRIT many years prior. GOD started training Pastor McKeithan (this Moses “type”) from his youth as a leader. Pastor McKeithan held many leadership positions in his youth serving in his beloved Jones Tabernacle African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church of Philadelphia, PA under his cherished Pastor and mentor Reverend Blake. As a husband and father of two sons (Sondiata (Jocelyn) and Simeon, Sergeant USMC), he was an entrepreneur and leader in various businesses, associations, and community organizations (e.g., Neighborhood Boys Bible Club teacher; Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Master; Pop Warner Little League Football Coach; Asst. Karate instructor et al). People seemed to want to follow him because they knew that he would work along-side his team longer and harder than anyone else on a project to its successful completion.

Pastor McKeithan attended several Bible Schools in a quest and hunger to know GOD and HIS Word. Early on, he shunned the LORD’s promptings to surrender to the Ministry, although it had been prophesized to him many times from a youth that he would one day be an under Sheppard for the LORD. Pastor McKeithan felt that of all GOD’s creations he was the most unlikely and unworthy candidate to serve GOD by serving HIS people. However, one day, GOD and Pastor McKeithan had a heated exchange about Pastor McKeithan accepting the call to Pastor. The exchange happened as Pastor McKeithan sat in his 15 passenger Van, in the McDonald’s parking lot, while the Scouts were inside ordering snacks before heading out to the Boy Scouts Jamboree. GOD won! To comfort Pastor McKeithan, and to assure him that HE would help him, GOD gave Pastor McKeithan his lifelong scripture “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17 KJV. It has been Pastor McKeithan’s mantra from that day to the present.

Pastor McKeithan has been blessed to have godly men in his life who guide, support, and mentor him in his position as Pastor. They are his Spiritual Father and Apostolic Leader Bishop Eric A. Lambert Jr., President and Presiding Bishop of the Bethel Deliverance International Fellowship of Churches (BDIFC) and Rev. Dr. James Woods II, Pastor of El Shaddai Christian Assembly. These men have and continue to pour godly wisdom into Pastor McKeithan’s life.

GOD has anointed Pastor McKeithan to be an excellent teacher and expository preacher of the Word of GOD. This has enabled him to minister to all spectra of people and ages. Pastor McKeithan is a “Kingdom of GOD” minded man and endeavors to weave understanding the Kingdom of GOD in all that BYOAB Church does.

Our BYOAB Vision is to develop CHRIST Like character and cultivate a CHRIST Like Worldview in the people of GOD. Our means to accomplish this are:

  • Adult Sunday School Classes
  • Discipleship Classes
  • Sunday Morning Service
  • Children Church Service
  • Wednesday Evening Prayer
  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study
  • Thursday Word of Life Bible Institute Satellite Location (BDIFC)
  • Thursday Evening Marriage Workshop
  • Monday 300 Men Initiative Facilitator (BDIFC)
  • PLACE Ministry
  • GOD’s Money Stewardship Workshop
  • Daughters of Worth (D.O.W.)
  • Women Obeying GOD (W.O.G.)

Pastor McKeithan has a burden to help people be who and what GOD has ordained them to be and to see families thrive!

Vision Statement

Our vision is to develop CHRIST Like character and cultivate a CHRIST Like Worldview in the people of GOD.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to foster the furthering of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of GOD in the earth by loving GOD’s people; being living epistles; bearing one another’s burdens; and therefore fulfilling the law of CHRIST.

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