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Welcome! Greetings to you in the strong, sufficient, and mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ! On behalf of the Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens (BYOAB) Family Ministry Church, we thank you for visiting our website. We are grateful for GOD’s care with which He is reaching people with the love of Jesus Christ through this Bible believing, teaching, and preaching ministry. Our foremost desire is to serve GOD by serving His people and expanding His Kingdom here on earth. We are excited about what GOD is doing here at BYOAB and we appreciate you for investing your time to examine the depths of Jesus’ love with us. Come and visit, we’ll be so very blessed that you did.
In and For Christ!
Senior Pastor and Founder
M. Ray McKeithan

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Sunday School
Sunday Service
10:30 AM
Wednesday Prayer and Bible study

Countdown to Sunday Worship

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